Friday, May 11, 2012


When I was 17, I was sat on a beach at Carmel Meadows and discovered my own company.  I came in a powerful state of self-pity.  I had made strong choices about with whom I would spend time and to whom I would give my affection.  I had an unreasonable standard and it left me alone.  I climbed down the thick stairs and took off my shoes to walk the edge of the water and found a place dry enough to sit.  I looked to my right and saw a bird made from the rocks.  He is a fat, cheerful bird with a straight, small beak and a dented eye.  His wings are folded back and he watches the water.  I was delighted by his company and couldn't help but stare at him and hope he was there for me.  I looked around for someone to show, but...  I was alone.  And it was ok.  I knew that I could make tough decisions because I had made them.  I knew what was important to me because I had protected it.  The choices left me alone with the bird - but eventually brought me the relationships I wanted most.  Soon I brought them to walk down the thick stairs and to take off their shoes and see the rocks.  And I kissed the boy and the little ones played in the waves and I was grateful for the company of the bird and knew certainly he was there for me.  Lonely fades then returns and sets us in motion.  Lonely reminds and remembers and brings us home.


  1. This is why we are friends...because you get it. And then on top of it all you have the talent to so eloquently shape it into words.
