Thursday, March 26, 2015

Something's Comin...

Could be...
Who knows...
It's only just out of reach
Down the block, on a beach
Under a tree
I got a feeling there's a miracle due
Could it be?
Yes it could
Something's coming
Something good.....
If I can wait

But wait - no more wait.  Want it to be now.  Or at least nowish.  Nowish in the sense that I get to choose?

Poor Tony.  Do you think that song is about the love affair or his impending doom?  I choose Love Affair.  Cause after that, there's nothing else worth living for anyway right?  Once you've loved... you're golden.

But yeah - I want something to come...

I know I gotta do something to get something.  But I hope that the gotta do comes because of the feeling like it.  So it's the feeling like it that I feel is the "could it be? yes it could!"

The stars are aligning.  Seven months of saying no, four children home safe and sound, family landmarks around the corner....

Could be... who knows....

April is 5 days away.