Friday, August 26, 2011

Pie is mercy.

This is my favorite miracle in 17 Miracles. I cried every time it came around. I was surprised by that, as I became emotionally finished with most of the movie. But not this one. This is the miracle that when a mother couldn't go along the trail any further, she sat on a boulder and cried. She had given birth to twins who had both died earlier in the week and she was done. It's interesting to think that she wasn't physically unable to go forward - but she couldn't do it emotionally. Her husband left her on the boulder and told the children that he would get them to camp and then come back for her. She simply refused to go on. That's so interesting. What did she think was going to happen? What would happen if she sat on that boulder all day and night? There come times in our lives when we can't imagine a single outcome that is in any way ok. Every possibility requires more work and more emotional sacrifice than we think we are able to put forward. And we just stop. But really.... ??? Can we just stop? One of her daughters decided she would not leave her mother alone, so she chose to stay with her. And the miracle begins as this daughter kneels to pray and tells the Lord that she wants to do the right thing, but she can not see the path. Beautiful. Isn't that it? We want to do the right thing, but can't imagine it - can't picture it - can't formulate a plan - we, need, help. This is the moment of sheer desperation. Nothing more than that - out of ideas, out of time, out of hope. Please. As she gets up from her prayer, she sees a pie on the ground. A pie. The Lord left her a pie. On the ground. Comfort food. I am struck every time with the kindness of the Lord. He could have left a pheasant to be caught and cooked. He could have even left a pile of dried meat or a berry bush or a spring of water. But she didn't need these things. They hold no emotional comfort. She needed pie.
He'll abide in those moments of total desperation, when He knows we have met the limit, there will be an offering of love and knowing grace. This is when we see the promise that we won't be tested beyond what we can bear, come to light. This is where it stops. The testing ends, we beg for mercy and it comes. Pie. Pie is Mercy.
Next time I need to sit on a boulder and cry... I can expect pie. I'm sold. I'm convinced. He loves. I know.

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