Monday, May 10, 2010

Chopping wood and hauling water

I walked tonight. The walk is so important. We got drenched, Andi and I. My children couldn't believe how wet I was when I came in the door. Rich is fixing the sink and so the water is turned off in the house. A warm shower is indefinitely postponed. So I'm writing. Writing is also important. Yesterday I went on a walk with my children for Mother's Day. It took us an hour to walk to the temple. We didn't talk about anything that we'll remember, but they all want to take that walk again next week. Douglas carried David on his shoulders up the steepest part - from Vineyard to Bountiful blvd. I was amazed. I have charming children. They deserve a cleaner house, a quieter mother and more help with their homework. Yet, they stick around. When school is out I'm going to try to walk to Mueller Park twice a week. It's my favorite walk. It quiets my brain. Tonight it's still pretty noisy. I guess I didn't walk long enough. But remember how it was raining? We built a fire in the backyard tonight and roasted hot dogs and marshmellows. I make the kids eat the 40 cal wieners. (That sounds funny.) They aren't very good. But then there are calories left over for nutella smores. My hair smells like campfire. The water is off in the house. Rich is fixing the sink. We haven't had running water in the sink for about 2 weeks. Yesterday my grandma LaRue told me she hauled water to her house from a well that was 8 miles away. They put it in a huge barrel next to the house. One day when she was about 10 or so she was climbing down a ladder next to the barrel, carrying her cat. She dropped the cat into the barrel on accident and never told a soul. The family drank from the barrel - including her. She said maybe that's what stunted her growth - the cat water. I love her. I've been hauling water in from the bathroom, and we don't have any cats. I'm blessed.